上海嘉鹏科技有限公司综合内外秀生化实验设备制造经验独生产的HL-2B数显恒流泵 ,进行系统详解,可快速查询产品的新报价、图片、技术参数,或者进行产品性能比较,使用非常方便。
. HL-2B数显恒流泵概述:
1. 流 量: (单通道)HL-1B; 1-600ml/h
2. 转 速:0-60转/分左右
(双通道)HL-2B; 2×(1-600)ml/h (数显)
3. 电源电压: AC220V±10% 50HZ 10W
4. 压 力:≥3kg
5. 使用环境: 温度0-40℃ 湿度:<85%
6. 连续工作时间:≥200h
7. 外形尺寸: 120×120×180㎜
8. 重 量:3kg
三. HL-2B数显恒流泵使用方法:
1. 初次使用时,先把“调速”旋钮调到中速位置,然后接通电源,此时指示灯亮,
2. 安装硅胶管,根据流量需要选用合适内径的硅胶管,(细管装在泵头的细槽内,
3. 预测流量,选择好合适内径的硅胶管,调整泵头后面的调压螺丝,同时按“排
气” 旋钮,使硅胶管内的空气排出,然后用量杯可预测需要的流量,此时只需调节
4. 使用 “顺逆”开关,可以改变输液方向,使加液改变为抽液,加压改变为抽压。
5. 调节板两侧的调节螺丝是用于调节液体压力的,般只要拧到有液体流动即可,调节时须注意不要拧的太紧,否则滚子会搁死。
6. “排气”按钮的作用是在慢速时不改变原来设定流量的情况下快速排除管内空气或清洗管道。
7. HL-2B数显恒流泵与BS系列收集器连用时,将四芯插头插入收集器后面板的“恒流泵”插座中,其电源受收集器控制。此机单独使用时,将四芯插头改为芯电源插头即可,本机附有备件。
上海嘉鹏科技有限公司 www.righttao.com / www.jp1718.com
电话:021-66030766 36162366
手机:13585698333 18201872685 13764356938
地址:上海市真陈路1398弄15号 邮编:200444
1. HL-2B digital constant-current pump Overview:
HL-2B digital constant-current pump is in the HL series of constant-current pump, based on the increase shows that the function of constant-current pump speed. Advantage of being able to directly observe the constant speed pump, through the conversion and projections to calculate the actual current flow pump to facilitate the constant-current pump control, intuitive, more accurate speed control, you increase production and experiment sample (liquid) and the sample (liquid) is the ideal instrument.
HL-2B digital constant-current pump is a liquid extract of the quantitative increase in equipment, it has a transmission flow stable, continuously adjustable, non-delivery of material contact with the outside world to prevent pollution and small size, light weight, performance reliable and so on. Therefore, it is widely used in factories and mines, universities, hospitals and research institutes, and will become a production and research equipment essential one, all the needs of micro, quantitative fluid infusion or extraction can be used for occasions.
. HL-2B digital constant-current pump main technical indicators:
1. Flow: (single) HL-1B; 1-600ml / h 2. Speed :0-50 r / min around
(Dual channel) HL-2B; 2 × (1-600) ml / h (digital display)
3. Supply voltage: AC220V ± 10% 50HZ 10W 4. Pressure: ≥ 3kg
5. The use of environment: temperature 0-40 ℃ Humidity: <85% 6. Continuous working time: ≥ 200h
7. Overall dimension: 120 × 120 × 180 mm 8. Weight: 2kg
III. HL-2B digital constant-current pump to use:
1. The initial use, the first "Speed" knob to the medium-speed position, and then connect the power, when the indicator light,
Roller started to regulate the "Speed" knob, observation equipment is functioning properly, you can use normal.
2. The installation of silica gel tube, according to the need to use the appropriate flow of the silicone tube diameter, (thin tube installed in the pump head of the small bed,
Rough pipe installed in the pump head of the rough bed).
3. Forecast traffic, the choice of a good fit of the silicone tube diameter, the pressure regulator adjustment screw behind the pump head and at the same time press the "row
Gas "knob, so that the silicone tube from the air, and then the amount of glass needed predictable flow, only regulate at this time
"Speed" knob can change the flow of traffic after determining the "speed" knob on the "lock switch" lock down, and record the corresponding speed.
4. The use of "good or bad times" switch, you can change the direction of fluid, so that the rate of change for pumping liquid fluid, pressure to change the pump pressure.
5. Adjustment plate on both sides of the adjustment screw for regulating the liquid pressure is generally as long as the twist of the liquid can flow, be careful not to adjust the screw too tight, or else will be tied up roller.
6. "Exhaust" the role of the button when in slow traffic does not change the original settings quickly ruled out the air tube or pipe cleaning.
7. HL-2B constant-current pump with a few notable BS once a series of traps, it will be four core plug collector panel after the "current pump" in the socket, the power control by the collector. This machine used alone, it will be replaced by two four-core plug to plug, the machine with spare parts.